Has your team gotten a little tired looking? Maybe a little bit under motivated? Do they seem to drag their feet as they arrive for meetings each day?
Your team needs a little boost. And whether their working in the sales department or the customer service side of things, without the proper motivators, they could be falling flat on their goals and targets. Here are 4 ways we to help kickstart your team and get them back in business.
Incentivize Them
Remember when you were a kid and your mom might bribe you with a treat to stay quiet? Or maybe you had the grandmother who always gave you a candy during church to keep you from crawling all over the seats? Well, although we all may have developed quite a bit from those days, there’s one thing that definitely hasn’t changed: bribes still work.
Both bribes and reward based incentives can help your team to get motivated. And they work in two different ways.
Bribes (pre-work rewards) should be smaller items. Perhaps it’s having free coffee and donuts at a team meeting on Monday morning or it’s a small signing bonus for a new team member. These little gestures can allow your employees to see how you value them before they accomplish their goal. It allows them to see that you’re invested in them and not just in making bank.
Rewards (post-work rewards) should be larger and allow the team member to see just how amazingly they can be rewarded for hitting a target. Maybe it’s a monetary bonus. Maybe it’s a contest to win something they really covet. Whatever it is, make it something shiny and bright that’s work working for.
Create Healthy Competition
Creating competition of the healthy variety among your team can help move them forward towards their goals. In the last point, I mentioned creating a contest to win a fancy item/prize. We’ve seen this at work in countless situations. At car dealerships, the top salesperson might win a special bonus for the month. We’ve seen the likes of Russell Brunson give away CARS to his top affiliate partners. Or maybe you’ve seen the apple watches, iPads, cameras, and more that folks give away in similar competitions. (I’ve even won a dozen roses to be sent anywhere in the world I wanted in one affiliate competition.)
Creating some kind of structure for your team that rewards to top dogs and motivates the other to strive for that top spot helps to promote a little rivalry among co-workers to try and reach the top of the podium and the best prize.
If you’re struggling to figure out how to implement this, start small and grow from there. For all you know, your sales team might continue to hit targets because they’re competing for the prize and you’ll be giving away cars, cruises, and karats in no time.
Hold Organized Meetings
One of the best ways to keep your team motivated and one track is to show them that you’re doing the same. Not only is it hard to relay information when you’re disorganized, but it’s also hard to gain respect too.
If you’re going to have a daily sales meeting or debrief, and we definitely suggest that you do, create a template for how you run the meeting and the points you cover each day. Make this agenda up the night before so that when you arrive for the meeting your team not only is ready to listen but also digest the information you’re giving them.
If they see that you’re organized and clear about the goals you’re setting for them, then they’ll be much better at organizing their methods and strategies to hit those targets.
Plus, on top of their organizational skills, you’ll help to garner more appreciation and respect which will motivate your team to work with you instead of making them feel like you don’t have the time or effort to put into the process.
Learn More About Your Team Members So That You Can Help Them Learn More Too
Every member of your team is going to learn differently. Some might love presentations. Others might want hands-on teaching. Another might like worksheets/documents that they can study and memorize. Whatever the learning need is, make sure that you take the time to learn about the people you employ so that you aren’t wasting time on a method of training that isn’t moving them forward.
When designing training for your team, make sure to infuse the presentation with different learning strategies so that everyone gets to absorb the information. The second you leave one of your team members without the proper methods to learn, you’re leaving them behind the pack and hindering their motivation and abilities.
In addition to creating a strong team, you’re also creating a more collaborative group of individuals that feel respected and engaged throughout the process. This allows your team to not only feel great about learning but even better when the new knowledge helps them accomplish their goals.
Looking for more help on how to connect with your team and also show them how they can connect with prospects and clients? Check out our FREE 5 C’s of Successful Sales Conversations, The Ultimate Sales Cheat Sheet that shows you each step to how to navigate high-connection conversations for both clients and team members.