6 Weeks To Sales Success For Entrepreneurs

An online MasterClass where I work with committed entrepreneurs, to help them strip away the stories that stonewall their success and show them that sales and sustainability are the secrets to serving.

Reserve you spot now! Only $997!

Heather's Story

"Jeremy helped me affirm my worth, solidify my pitch, and nail my close. In my first event working with Jeremy I tripled my investment. Working with Jeremy helped me get my products into the hands of the women that need them!"

Stacey's Story

"After working with Jeremy, I gained the confidence to increase the rates I was charging to better reflect the value I offer my clients. My profit has now increased by over 20%, allowing me to focus more on the results I’m providing for my clients."

6 Weeks To Sales Success For Entrepreneurs is an online MasterClass where I work with committed entrepreneurs, to help them strip away the stories that stonewall their success and show them that sales and sustainability are the secrets to serving.

If you are selected to join this elite group of entrepreneurs, here's is what you can expect:



Identify and overcome your natural resistance to selling. Let go of the conditioning you've experienced, the stories you've heard, and most of all, the ones you're telling yourself. Get you head right in order to be able to apply the rest of the skills you need to succeed.



Identify your ideal client. Find what problem you solve for them, and how to reach them where they are. Stop trying to attract everyone, and start communicating specifically to your ideal client!



Learn to let your prospects guide you to their needs. Let going of trying to control the conversation, and focus on uncovering the true pain your clients are experiencing.



Make you prospective clients beg for you to let them work with you. Simple tools to gaining commitment from your client once you've built the right foundation of the relationship.



Position yourself to monitor and manage your clients' success, allowing you to show quantifiable return on investment.



Combine your messaging and your results to generate new and referral business.

And Much, Much More...

If you’re like me, you’ve seen how others look at the word “sales” as a dirty word. And when you experience this enough, it becomes part of your own belief system. For years I avoided calling myself a sales guy, out of fear of scaring away my prospects.

I’ve spent over 15 years working toward finding the true secret to sales success. In 2008, in the middle of a job interview, after I was instructed to sell the interviewer a pen. Suddenly it all finally clicked (no pun intended).

Since then I’ve lead sales teams to 900% growth in less than 18 months, and with the support of only one other team member, brought in over $4.6 million dollars in revenue for an online educational course in a single enrolment.

And most importantly, I use all of these same techniques to bring the first month's income of my own coaching business to 4 times what my previous job had paid me!  If you want to learn how, click apply now.

Structure and Format

Combining online training with group coaching!

Get all of the benefits of structured training, while learning along with 4 of your soon-to-be closet friends! Get specific coaching in front of the group for everyone's benefit.

6 Weeks To Sales Success For Entrepreneurs is an online MasterClass where I work with committed entrepreneurs, to help them strip away the stories that stonewall their success and show them that sales and sustainability are the secrets to serving.

Only 5 seats available!