Please Accept My Apology

  I owe you a HUGE apology. I finally had a chance to review the replay of last night's webinar and I'm extremely embarrassed about the sound quality. I'm sorry.


I also owe you a HUGE THANK YOU for sticking with it as long as you did. So, thank you so much.



Remember that package I offered for $97/month last night?  The one with full access to the Facebook Group Marketplace, where you can share, promote, and sell your way to success AND with a monthly webinar training?


Let's do this: I will give you that exact same $97/month package, right now, for $7/month.


I'll also add in 1 free strategy session (this is currently listed on my website for $147).


Yeah, that feels better. And don't worry, the people that did purchase based on last night's offer are also being adjusted to this new offer.


So, just so we're clear, I'm offering you access to the Permission To Sell: Marketplace Facebook Group, including your name listed in the directory (pinned post) + the monthly webinar training for $7/month. Plus, I'm throwing in a one-on-one strategy session with me! (This is a full strategy session, for which I normally charge $147).


Click "Subscribe" below to accept my offer


Permission To Sell: Marketplace w/ Monthly Training Webinar for $7/month + Bonus Strategy Session


After you are successfully processed through PayPal, you will be automatically forwarded to my pre-strategy session questionnaire. Once this is complete, you will be automatically forwarded to schedule you strategy session.


I will leave this offer up until 11:59PM (Atlantic Standard Time), February 28th.

 Thank you for your trust. This is something I will never take for granted.

Permission To Sell: Marketplace w/ Monthly Training Webinar for $7/month + Bonus Strategy Session