Are you ready to change the face of small businesses around the world?

What if you could confidently project your cash flow each and every month?
How would it feel to know that you will be able to confidently close new business month after month?

The truth is that most small business owners struggle with inconsistent cash flow.
We often describe this as the "entrepreneurial roller coaster".
This roller coaster causes many small businesses owners to give up on their dream.

Are you exhausted from always hustling to close your next sale?

Are you tired of the stress that comes when you need to ask your potential client for money?

Are you drained by the thought of having to make hundreds of sales calls just to keep you business above water?

We are on a mission to change all of that.
When it comes to running a small business, there are very few challenges that can't be solved with a few more sales.

How would it feel to have a cost-effective resources specifically designed to help you and the millions of other small business owners develop and execute test sales strategies that will help you close with confidence and create the income necessary to have a real impact on the world around you?

Our mission is to arm small business owners all over the world with the skills and mindset necessary to ensure their products and services get into the hands of the people that need them.

But we need your help!

We are looking for 100 small business owners join our Founder's Club to help develop the ultimate resource that will get you and small business owners all over the world addicted to selling!

What we ask of you:
If you join us on our mission, we ask that you commit to provide ongoing feedback through that next few months of development to ensure what we create is EXACTLY what small business owners need to help them fall in love with making sales

What we are offering in return:
To thank you for helping us on our mission, we will give you
- access to the program for life at 1/3rd of the investment as long as you stay in the program
- a special affiliate arrangement which gives you twice the normal incentive to share this resource with your audience

The breakdown:
Join us today for $30/month and lock in your affiliate rate of 30% for the life of anyone you refer to join the program (this a double the normal affiliate rate that will be offered to the public.

The roll-out:
Although this is a working plan, the Founder's Club will initially share ideas and feedback in a closed Facebook Group.
We are projecting for the actual site to be released in beta mode between November 15th and December 1st.
Once we have a program we are proud to share, we will initial hold a public launch approximately mid-January, allowing your audience to join for $47/month.
After the launch the investment to join will increase to $97/month.

Our goal is to help business owners increase their monthly income by thousands of dollars by giving them the skills to close with confidence and create the income and impact they were meant create in the world.

Are you ready to help create the top resource
to help you and your audience become addicted to sales?

Join The Founders' Club Now

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