Even just over the past year technology has evolved to create many more options for getting in front of your ideal client. Many of these technologies have been revolving around Facebook. Facebook Live has resulted in numerous platforms allowing you to go “LIVE” from your computer desktop, have viewer comments be shared on the video, shared screens, and more. Facebook Messenger has led to what started to look like a Messenger Bot revolution. Everybody and their dog starting offering training and done-for-you bot services (some better quality than others).
The greatest challenge for us as sales professionals and entrepreneurs is staying focused on our overall strategy. Facebook Live, Messenger Bots, along with things like opt-in text messages, and even email autoresponder are just tactics; vehicles you use to move your prospect from point A to point B in the sales process you’ve mapped out in your strategy. Each of these alone will not grow your sales the way you want. In fact, focusing on solely the tactics, which is often caused by trying to make business decisions purely out of a need to generate revenue quickly, will actually harm your business.
If you are mapping our your sales process for the first time, or even are looking to rework an existing strategy, I encourage you to map structure your first draft based on the specific objective of each step. This part may look something like this:
1. Get brand in front of new, targeted prospects.
2. Make targetted prospects aware of the problem.
3. Demonstrate your brand can help.
4. Show evidence of expertise/past success.
5. Make offer.
Your second step would be to expand into the specific strategies for each section. It may look like this:
1. Create a targetted advertising campaign to get in front of the right people.
2. Have audience go through a quiz to force them to reflect on their feelings on the problem we address.
3. Provide some kind of free training or resource.
4. Leverage testimonials from existing clients.
5. Create offer sequence to follow-ups ups.
Only now can we look at the tactics to fulfill on the strategy.
1. Use Facebook ads, targeting people who meet our ideal client demographics and psychographics.
2. Have the ads lead to a quiz called “(whatever title is best)”
3. After the quiz provide an invite to a webinar all about solving “the problem”
4. Have powerful case studies and testimonials seeded throughout the presentation to demonstrate results and social proof.
5. Present the offer with high-value bonuses to incentivize action.
Once you have the basics in place and you have some data, then you should look at optimizing. This is where you may want to compare email autoresponders vs. Facebook Messenger Bots, webinar invite vs. discounted digital offer, whether Facebook ads should be part of your follow-up sequence, etc.
With what seems to be all the options you can imagine, you can see why it’s so easy to become distracted, and even maybe obsessed with the tactics, but the reality is that your tactics will fail if you do not have them aligned with a properly designed sales strategy.
Are you ready to map our your own sales strategy? Invest in a 100% risk-free strategy session so that you have a roadmap to success for your sales and business. Learn more.