The Two Concepts You Need To Know To Master Sales
There are only 2 concepts you need to understand in order to really get your head around sales and marketing. The concepts are simple, but many people and businesses struggle with implementation. The two concepts are as follows: Trust & Conversion ========== Trust: a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of…
Strategy or Tactic?
Even just over the past year technology has evolved to create many more options for getting in front of your ideal client. Many of these technologies have been revolving around Facebook. Facebook Live has resulted in numerous platforms allowing you to go “LIVE” from your computer desktop, have viewer comments be shared on the video,…
Is This Killing Your Sales?
It’s no secret that many people struggle in sales. In my 20 + years in the sales industry, I’ve found that there is one very specific area that even some of the most seasoned sales veterans struggle with. Have you ever heard the phrase “the silence is deafening”? This unequivocally applies to sales, and more…